Evangelist Missionary Sandra D. Reese is the first lady of Framingham Church of God in Christ where she faithfully serves with her husband, Dr. Bernard Reese. Affectionately referred to as “Lady’ by the congregants, First Lady Reese has a heart and passion for the people of God as evidenced by her tireless commitment to the ministry and people individually.
Content to be in the background, she can often be found serving members or cooking breakfast for Sunday School attendees. Locally, she is a driving force in Framingham COGIC, officially serving as Church Administrator and president of the Women’s Department but filling numerous other roles. In the Greater New Hampshire Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, Lady Reese serves as Assistant Jurisdictional Secretary. Lady Reese has a prophetic gift and a unique anointing as an exhorter, able to encourage and uplift people with just a word. Lady Reese is loved and cherished at home, in the jurisdiction, and across the country.